Sunday, November 19, 2017

Craft Fair Crazy

I am signed up for my first Christmas Craft Fair at Lynn Fripps Elementary on December 2nd and I am crafting in every spare moment.  I am focusing a lot on cute giftables for secret Santa gifts, teacher or coaches or maybe a neighbour, babysitter or close friend.

The item on the left holds a hand sanitizer and the coffee cup on the right holds some treats as well as a gift card behind it.

I'd love to see you on December 2nd from 10 - 3 but if not any items that do not sell will be posted both here and on my FB page.  I will take preorders for the coffee cups too.


  1. great gifts, good luck with the craft sale :)

    1. awh... thank you so much Christine! Just checked out your blog! How did I not know you were so amazingly crafty? Fantastic stuff!

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